RAM Listserv or Mailing List

What is it?

A listserv is a means of disseminating email messages, or postings to a large number of people. Kinda like a bulletin board. It has these advantages:

  • Secure: Spammers are not subscribed and cannot easily post.
  • Secure: The recipient's email addresses are not revealed.
  • Convenient: Send one email, and everybody subscribed gets it.

Who is subscribed?

Anybody that wants to, subject to approval. We are not going to let just any unknown person get subscribed, but if we err, we can always unsubcribe him.

How do I get subscribed?

I hate to make people jump through hoops, but if I put my real email address on this web page, it will be seen by SPAMbots and in no time I will get deluged with Spam. So, kindly go to This Page and write me that you want to get on the RAM mailing list. I will then subscribe you and reply.

OK, I am subscribed. How do I post?

Nothing could be easier. Just send an email to the mailing list address, ie, ramlist@ragchewmagic.com and everybody gets it.

I want to contact someone privately!

You email him directly, in private. If he posted something and you want to answer him privately, you have to be careful. If you use the reply button you will be sending to the whole list, which may be embarrasing. You will have to change the email address from ramlist@ragchewmagic.com to his email address, such as joeblow@example.net.

Who is responsible for the postings?

All postings are from whoever signed it. They do not represent the official views of RAM.

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