Beware the RAM!

General Information:
RAM Announcements
RAM 146.70 Nome repeater
RAM 146.73 Teller repeater
Deploying the TKR-720
RAM Mailing List
RAM Mission Statement
RAM Telephone Autopatch
E-pinions and Articles:
The 3 Founders
Why a Second Club?
Becoming a Radio Ham
Which Radio to Get?
Chinese Handheld Radios
Programming the PX-777+
IRLP 101, IRLP demystefied
Deploying the TKR-720
Roof Mounted Antennas
The Other Nome Club, SPARC
XALASKA.COM, parent website.

Ragchew Amateur Magic, Inc
P.O. Box 1668
Nome, Alaska 99762-1668

Click these logoes!



This is the official page of Ragchew Amateur Magic, Inc., Nome, Alaska; a grouping of technically minded Amateurs in the Bering Straits region.

Ramon Gandia AL7X, webmaster.

Copyright © 2007-2012, RAM, Inc

Page Last Updated:
October 15, 2012
Series 12t

   R A M   Ragchew Amateur Magic